Dear friends and members of St. Matt’s,
These next two weeks are a busy and full two weeks at St. Matt’s. And I know for many of you – especially with kids in school – or graduating seniors – or teachers – or really anyone connected to the schools – that this is a busy and full few weeks for you, too! You are all in my prayers as you begin to reach the endings and begin to say goodbye.
On Saturday morning, we have a funeral for Peers Brewer. Please do keep Carolyn and her family in your prayers. On Saturday evening, of course, we have the last concert of the Arts at St. Matthew’s series. I expect that will be wonderful and I hope that you’ll come to be supportive of Andrew. On Sunday morning, we’ll celebrate our graduating seniors and then share a festive parish picnic together to welcome the summer. The sign up genius is below for that if you can help! Sunday morning will be lots of fun.
Please come and join us these next few weeks as we honor a lot of the transitions among us, as we settle into the summer. And remember that no matter what it is you’re facing, God has good plans for you on the other side. Sometimes, they’re not always as clear to us as we’d like from our vantage point. But ours is a God of love, of good plans, of great promises, of sweeping welcomes and abundant grace. There is always a plan. And if it isn’t okay, then God isn’t done yet. I hope to see you on Saturday and Sunday.
–Marissa +