Holy Week and Easter Day Services

Come and be with us for the remainder of Holy Week as we journey through Jesus’ last steps of his passion, death, and resurrection. Join us for Maundy Thursday service tonight at 7 p.m. when we remember Jesus’ gift of the holy meal we celebrate together. We also remember this night that Jesus, in profound love for his disciples, washed their feet and gave them a new commandment to love one another. Tonight we strip the altar and watch and pray. Join us for the Good Friday Liturgy at noon or at 7 p.m. for Night Prayer & The Way of the Cross with Communion. All of these services invite us to fully enter into the story of Jesus’ journey to the cross and invite us into a deeper spiritual journey of the heart.
On Easter Day we rejoice in Jesus’ resurrection with Alleluias abounding from our voices in prayer and in song. Alleluia! Christ is risen. The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia! This is the day when Christ overcame death and opened to us the gate of everlasting life. We rejoice in the new life that is given to us as the eyes of our faith are opened. Join us on this Day of Resurrection with voices of praise and thanksgiving. Invite a friend or a neighbor to come along. I look forward to seeing you.
With blessings,
The services will livestream on our website and on Facebook:
Maundy Thursday, April 6th at 7:00pm, download the worship bulletin here.
Good Friday, April 7th at 12:00pm, download the worship bulletin here.
Easter Day, Festival Holy Eucharist – Rite II at 10:00am, download the worship bulletin here.