Alleluia. Christ is risen!
What a glorious celebration of the Resurrection we had on Easter Day! “Love is come again like wheat that springeth green.” Thanks to you all for being at St. Matt’s, whether on-line or in person. Your presence made it a day of celebrating all of our senses together with new and old friends.
The Altar Guild and gifted floral artists among us adorned the sanctuary with a magnificent sense of rejoicing with altar linens of old and flowers of many colors. There was greeting at the front door that welcomed people in love and with great joy. All were invited to flower the cross with an array of colors and fragrances. Liturgical servers proclaimed the words of Scripture and offered their gifts throughout the service. Andrew and the choir gifted us with music that made our hearts and voices resoundingly sing. The Hallelujah Chorus was a St. Matt’s tradition and a treat for those new among us. Children delightfully went forth to hunt for eggs, hidden by those who tend and love St. Matt’s children weekly. Behind the scenes the staff and photocopier produced bulletins after bulletins with patience and care. Technology once again made it possible for all to participate near and far.
Many thanks to each of you, too many to name, who made Holy Week and Easter Day holy and life-giving times. The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia! I look forward to seeing you as the Easter season progresses and offer you words of blessing from the Celtic tradition:
May the blessing of light be upon you,
light without and light within…
And in all your comings and goings,
may you ever have a kindly greeting
from any you meet along the road.
In Christ’s peace,