Who do you say that he is?

Dear friends and members of St. Matt’s,
Yesterday was the Feast of the Confession of St. Peter. The Gospel for the day features that famous exchange between Jesus and Peter where Jesus asks,Who do you say that I am? Much has been made of this confession over time – and while I’m convinced that it wasn’t actually the first confession, as it’s so often described – what matters is that Peter answers the question correctly. He identifies Jesus as “the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”
Yesterday, a member of my family texted me with the preface,Can I ask you a theological question? I know I can ask you these things without offending you. She proceeded to ask me if I really believe in the bodily resurrection – so did Jesus really die and rise? And then followed with,and you believe he’s the Messiah? So, I explained: Yes. And yes. I believe he died on Good Friday, rose on the third day, and secured salvation for all people, fulfilling the promise that God will redeem creation at the end of time. And I believe, as Mary Magdalene first confesses, that he is “the Messiah, the Lord, the One coming into the world.” We went on to have an interesting conversation, to understand each other better. And I think she understands the story a little better, too.
Now, those are particularly priestly answers. Yours may sound different – and that’s okay. In fact, that’s a very good thing – if it’s your answer in faith. Today, and maybe for the rest of this week and weekend, I wonder if you might carry Jesus’ question with you. Try to hear him say,Who do you say that I am? Because he asks this question of you, too. And so does the world. Even if you don’t have a family member texting you to ask because you’re not a Priest. The world asks in big and small ways every day. And we answer in the way that we live, in the way that we love, in the way that we speak to each other, in the ways that we give and serve in Jesus’ name. Who do you say that he is?
One more thing from me today. There is a special concert tonight – you’re going to love it. If you haven’t bought your tickets yet, you can do that here. Bring some friends! It’s going to be a wonderful evening!
Until we are together again, God loves you. And so do I.
–Marissa +