New & ancient things

Dear friends and members of St. Matt’s,
I hope this edition of our enews finds you well on this Thursday afternoon. And while it’s been sort of a gloomy day outside in Wilton, I hope you can sense the light that shines round you.
There is a great deal of new information and new opportunities in our e-news today. Please take a careful look. I hope you’ll take special note of the Holy Week schedule which is now only about two weeks away. We are trying a few new things this year, so I hope you’ll join us as we deepen our faith and try on new – and ancient – things. There are other opportunities coming to learn more about our history, connect with our mission partners, and volunteer. Please join us.
Yesterday, I was so glad to gather with a few of you on a zoom call – thank you to everyone who popped in. If you haven’t seen it yet – we’re going to try on a pattern in this season of a 10am zoom call on the first Wednesday of the month just to connect. This was born of a desire of some of our members who live further away to see some familiar faces and feel connected. And I think it will prove a sweet opportunity for all of us (who can!) to connect in the middle of the week. Consider joining us on April 3rd.
As always, please be in touch if you have any questions or if you’re in need of assistance. We are here to support you as you make this journey – and I’d love to talk with you about Lent and Easter – and about anything else you’d like to share. I hope to see you on Sunday. Until then, God loves you. And so do I.
–Marissa +