Lenten Musical Meditations

Each Tuesday during Lent at 9:00pm, you are invited to log in to Zoom to experience a musical meditation hosted by Andrew Leslie Cooper. The Zoom link will be shared weekly in the eNEWS as well as in our parishioner Facebook group.

These sessions, which will last approximately 10–15 minutes each, are a way to reflect on the Lent season and deepen your walk with Jesus toward the cross. Andrew will share with you organ music, as well as the Psalm of the day and Collect of the day, sung to plainsong. Jesus said: “Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” And so, these Zoom rooms offer you a chance to worship from the comfort and quietude of your home.

If you are unable to log in, you will find the recordings shared to St. Matthew’s Facebook page later the same week.

So, please set yourself a reminder for each Tuesday in Lent (beginning 2/28, ending 4/4) for 9:00pm, and invite your friends and family.