January moves along

Dear friends and members of St. Matt’s,
I hope you’ve had a great start to the new year! Admittedly, it’s been a bit of a rocky start to the new year in my house. And I’ve missed you these last two weeks. I’m really looking forward to being with you on Sunday. I know some of you will be traveling because it’s a holiday weekend – but I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.
This Sunday, Sharon Pearson will be preaching in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s holiday. She’ll be tying in some of our history into the larger story of the Gospel and racial reconciliation. If you’re in town this weekend, I hope you’ll join us for worship. After church, you’ll have an opportunity to visit with me and Sharon at an adult forum. I’m going to be adding these little one-offs into our schedule from time to time in between the larger series. I’m calling them “Sermon and Scripture” – and it’s really just an opportunity to come talk about the sermon you heard and the texts for the day. We won’t be limited to the Gospel – so I’ll be ready to talk with you about anything you’ve heard. Bring your bulletin & your coffee and snacks and we’ll spend some time together.
Our pace will begin to pick up in these next few weeks. Lent comes early this year – only about a month from now! And we have a lot planned for you. That’ll unroll in our communications over the next week or two. Our Annual Meeting is coming up on 2/4 – so please put that on your calendar and plan to stay after church. If you have questions about anything in advance of the meeting, please be in touch with me or one of our Vestry members. We are here to help. And we look forward to being with you on the 4th.
I hope to see you on Sunday! Until then, know that God loves you. And so do I.
–Marissa +