
Dear friends and members of St. Matt’s,
What a wonderful day we had on Sunday! Four of our young people were confirmed. One of our newer members was received. Bishop Laura was here for breakfast with Confirmands and their families and met with the Vestry after church. And it was a beautiful day all around. I’m so grateful to all of you who helped make the day special. Thank you. We are blessed and that was palpable on Sunday as so many gathered in joy.
We have so much more coming up in the next few weeks. Please take a look through the e-news for information about what’s coming up next. We could use your help at the joint cleanup on the 27th! Please come and invite your friends to the screening on the 28th. We could use your help baking for the (hopefully!) many who will join us on the 28th for the screening and conversation with Carter Heyward. If you’re a baker – if you can help – please send me a note! The Spirited Sisters aren’t meeting this week – but there’s an upcoming field trip – so stay tuned for information about that. And once we get into May and June we’ll have all kinds of fun Sundays and surprises to round out the end of the program year.
I’m so looking forward to the next few weeks and to the rest of the Easter season. I hope that you are finding the joy of this season – in whatever way that makes sense to you. Now through the season of Lent, we are encouraged in Easter to find our joy – to chase it – to cherish it – to hold joy close to us. Come to virtual coffee hour tomorrow – or set up a time to come see me – I’d love to talk with you about what brings you joy – and what God is doing in your life that is a blessing. Our shared ministry is a blessing in mine.
Until we are together again, God loves you. And so do I.
–Marissa +