Annual Meeting Time!

Dear friends and members of St. Matthew’s,
As promised, our Annual Meeting will happen this Sunday after church. Please plan to stay after worship and hear about the opportunities and challenges of our life together in this season. Come especially if you haven’t come in a few years, or if you’ve never been to the meeting at all. We all have a responsibility to care for this community and to provide for our life together. And we can’t properly discern God’s will together if we aren’t all listening and aware of the same information. So, please come. Bring an open heart and open mind. Read the report in advance (click here) and bring your questions. The Vestry, Officers, and I are committed to transparency, and we look forward to seeing you on Sunday. As you read, take note of the many good, faithful things we’ve done together in the last calendar year. It was a full year, and this is a good report – a good story – about a community that loves God and each other. A community that has served well, tried new things, ventured new ideas, and ended the year in a solid place. It’s a report about God’s people, coming together, showing up, bringing their gifts, and serving. It’s a story about you and the spiritual home to which you belong. May God continue to bless us and our work and life together.
–Marissa +