Almost there…

Dear friends and members of St. Matt’s,
I hope this note finds you well and ready to experience the joy of the coming holiday. Our preparations at the church are almost finished, we are almost ready. And so this e-news comes to you today with the hope that you will join us as we prepare and celebrate.
Tonight, there will be a simple service for those who might be struggling a little in this season. You can read more below in our e-news, but I hope you’ll join us if you can. The service will run only about a half hour, maybe a little less. And we will have the chance to accompany each other in prayer and good wishes.
Then on Christmas Eve, there are three opportunities for worship. First, in the morning, we’ll mark the Fourth Sunday of Advent at 10am. This will be a slightly simplified service with some lovely music. And then we’ll have our two Christmas Eve services in the evening: one at 4pm and one at 9pm. Both will have wonderful musical preludes beginning a half hour before. The 4pm will be more geared toward families and younger children. We’ve shortened things a bit and simplified some of the music. And the 9pm will be the traditional, candlelight service. However you plan to celebrate, please do mark the day with us at least once.
If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to be in touch. I wish safe travels to those of you who won’t be here this week. And I look forward to seeing many of you on Sunday. God bless you and keep you.
–Marissa +