Almost October!

Dear friends and members of St. Matt’s,
It’s been a busy few weeks – and we’re still just gaining speed! Please take a careful look at the e-news this week to find information about Andrew’s next concert, Confirmation, Youth Group, the three-part Adult Education series that begins this week, and special coming events with Nora Neus. If that name sounds familiar to you, it’s because last year (almost to the day) Nora married our own Lex Gaillard here at St. Matthew’s. And I wrote to you this summer to ask you to save the date – but now the date is almost here! Please take special note of the two events Nora will lead that day – the first a conversation in our adult formation slot after worship – and the second a special event for kids age 7ish-12ish. This would be a great thing for kids to bring friends to who are interested in graphic novels and want to learn more about how to write their own!
If you haven’t bought your tickets for our auction yet, please go ahead and do that! Sign up for the Youth and Confirmation Rise against Hunger team by sending me an email. Sign up for the Youth and Confirmation trip to Chapel on the Green by sending me an email. And still, there are more opportunities in our life together. I’m so grateful.
Keep in mind, if you have smaller children, that this is the first Sunday of the month. We’ll be experimenting with keeping kids in worship. However, there is an opportunity for kids K-5ish to go into the narthex for part of the service for Godly Play. And I’ll be inviting all the kids to come stand with me for communion around the table. I’m looking forward to sharing that space with them.
As the fall moves on, I hope you’ll take advantage of all these opportunities and let St. Matthew’s be a part an important part of your life in this season. Please be in touch if there is anything I can do for you, if you have questions, or ideas. I’d love to talk with you. I hope to see you on Sunday. And until then, God loves you. And so do I.
–Marissa +