Advent 2023 Begins

Dear friends and members of St. Matt’s,
On Sunday, we’ll begin a new year together. A new church year. When you come to church, you’ll see that beautiful, vibrant blue that tells you we’re in the season of waiting. And we’ll prepare together for the coming of Christ – the advent that is both near (as in 25ish days from now) and the advent that is (hopefully) further but a little more unpredictable. As we turn to Mark’s Gospel, the themes will change a little – but those urgent warnings from Jesus to be prepared, to be alert, to be on the look out will continue.
In this season, we’ll honor some of the traditions of the parish – like the pageant on 12/17. And we’ll try some new things, too. Stay tuned, for example, for a date for a special service – a “liturgy for the weary.” Some of you may have heard of a “blue Christmas” service. This is akin to that idea, honoring the fact that while the holidays are often joyful and fun – there is, for many of us, also a deep sadness and grief at this time of year. I’ll share a date soon for this special service that will create space for those of us who are weary to share the load and to prepare for Jesus’ coming.
Please also take note of a special invitation from us for littles and their families to come sing some Christmas songs! Like last year, we’ll have hot chocolate, candy canes, and bells for everyone. All are welcome! And take a careful look through the e-news this week – there are many, many ways to be involved in the coming weeks!
As we travel through this season, we’re benefitting again from the artwork and poetry of A Sanctified Art. Their theme this year is “How Does A Weary World Rejoice”? With their help, we’ll travel through this season and ponder that theme as well. Our world certainly is weary – we need only look around to see the fatigue in our neighbors, the violence and conflict in the larger world, and to feel the weight of our own labors. Join us in this season. Be a part of our life together. Make a pledge for the coming year. Come to the Pageant and the see the animals. Share a cup of hot chocolate with our Presbyterian neighbors. Participate in the Gospel series that begin after church this week. And journey with us to the place of rejoicing, to that moment where God’s love becomes visible, tangible, enfleshed, just like us. And together we’ll find our joy in this love, even in the midst of a weary and chaotic world.
Come to church this week. Wear layers. Thank Rob Kyle for his hard work trying to get the heater in the sanctuary fixed! Wear layers. đ And join us for the beginning of this journey. It is the path to joy. You won’t want to miss it.
–Marissa +