A busy weekend ahead!

Dear friends and members of St. Matt’s,
I pray this note finds you well and nearing the end of a good week. Now, as we settle into the busy season of our life together – there is so much to do! I’m so looking forward to this weekend – and next weekend – and all that lies ahead of us between now and…dare I say it…Christmas! I know, I know. Lots to do before that!
This weekend, please make sure you join in on the fun with Wi-Act at the Rise Against Hunger Meal Packing event on Saturday. If you haven’t registered yet, there are still some slots and you can sign up here. Then, on Sunday, we have a busy day with church & two special events with Nora Neus! The following weekend – if you haven’t bought your tickets for the auction yet – you can do that here! I just bought tickets for me and for Lyn this morning – we’re looking forward to seeing you and sharing the fun!
Yesterday was the feast of St. Luke, the Evangelist. Luke wrote the Gospel bearing his name and the book of Acts. Luke who was a faithful servant of Christ, who left so much behind for us to read and to learn. Many of you might have guessed already that he’s particularly close to my heart. One of the pieces of Luke’s legacy that I love so much is the way that he writes about Jesus, the image of Jesus that Luke shows us. For example, in the Gospel for yesterday, we have a resolutely hopeful Jesus. A Jesus who insists on the good news. A Jesus who lays out that good news for all to see, no matter the cost to himself. A Jesus that is willing to pay the price for that good news, so that all people might come to believe it is good news for them. For all of us. For each and every person. That we might cling to it as resolutely, as hopefully, as stubbornly and joyfully as Jesus does.
On this Thursday afternoon, what is your good news? What is the good news you’re longing to hear? What is the part of Jesus’ legacy that you need to resolutely hold on to today? What is the part of Jesus’ good news that you can hopefully, joyfully share today?
I hope to see you on Saturday and Sunday as we seek to serve Christ in this world by filling bellies and seeking justice. Until then, know that God loves you and so do I.
–Marissa +