Our Pipe Organ

Our pipe organ, built by Reuter Organ Company (Lawrence, KS), dates to 2009, when the church community had decided upon major renovations to most of the Sanctuary. Accommodating an organ of this size and style was a principal reason behind undergoing this redesign, and Reuter designed the instrument in conjunction with the new acoustic and visual properties of the space. Its public inauguration was in worship on Sunday January 31, 2010. Ken Cowan then gave it its concert debut the following March. Now, the organ is integral to worship in our parish virtually every week. The entire community at St. Matthew’s remains grateful to the Brock family, who donated the funds for this instrument in memory of Anise McDaniel Brock, much beloved organist and music teacher.

The organ was featured in the September 2010 edition of The American Organist in an article describing its genesis, design and construction. Click here to read it. (Copyright 2010 by the American Guild of Organists and reproduced by permission of The American Organist magazine.)

Below are some videos of our Director of Music, Andrew Leslie Cooper, demonstrating this instrument:

Photos of the organ

Organ specifications

Reuter Organ Company (Lawrence, KS)
Opus 2,234 (2009)
3 manuals
42 stops
52 ranks
3,140 pipes total
Console style: mobile with draw-knob stops, coupler tabs, thumb pistons and toe studs

16 Sub Principal
16 Viole (Sw.)
8 Diapason
8 Principal
8 Harmonic Flute
8 Bourdon
4 Octave
4 Spindle Flute
2⅔ Twelfth
2 Fifteenth
Cornet III (from C3)
Fourniture IV
16 Fagotto (Ch.)
8 Tromba
8 Trompette en Chamade
8 Fagotto (Ch.)
8 Tuba (Ch.)
Chimes (digital)
Great to Great 16
Great Unison Off
Great to Great 4

16 Viole
8 Geigen Diapason
8 Chimney Flute
8 Viole
8 Viole Celeste
4 Geigen Octave
4 Open Flute
2⅔ Nazard
2 Piccolo
1⅗ Tierce
Mixture IV
16 Waldhorn
16 Trompette en Chamade (Gt., from C3)
8 Trumpet
8 Oboe
8 Waldhorn
8 Vox Humana
8 Trompette en Chamade (Gt.)
8 Tuba (Ch.)
4 Clarion
Swell to Swell 16
Swell Unison Off
Swell to Swell 4

Great to Pedal 8, 4
Swell to Pedal 8, 4
Choir to Pedal 8, 4
Swell to Great 16, 8, 4
Choir to Great 16, 8, 4
Swell to Choir 16, 8, 4

126 Memory levels
16 General pistons
8 Great divisional pistons
8 Choir divisional pistons
8 Swell divisional pistons
6 Pedal divisional pistons

16 Lieblich Flute
8 Principal
8 Brock Flute
8 Dulciana
8 Unda Maris (from C3)
4 Octave
4 Traverse Flute
2 Doublette
1⅓ Quinte
Mixture III
16 Tuba (from C3)
16 Fagotto
8 Tuba
8 Fagotto
8 Trompette en Chamade (Gt.)
8 Waldhorn (Sw.)
8 Clarinet
Harp (digital)
Choir to Choir 16
Choir Unison Off
Choir to Choir 4

32 Bourdon (digital)
16 Principal
16 Subbass
16 Sub Principal (Gt.)
16 Viole (Sw.)
16 Lieblich Flute (Ch.)
8 Principal
8 Octave
8 Subbass
8 Principal (Gt.)
8 Brock Flute (Ch.)
8 Viole (Sw.)
4 Choral Bass
4 Subbass
32 Waldhorn (Sw.)
16 Trombone
16 Waldhorn (Sw.)
16 Fagotto (Ch.)
8 Trombone
8 Trompette en Chamade (Gt.)
8 Waldhorn (Sw.)
8 Fagotto (Ch.)
8 Tuba (Ch.)
4 Clarion
4 Fagotto (Ch.)

Expression pedals
Crescendo (32 increments)

Full Organ
Great-Choir Transfer
Auto-pedal (on Great)
Transposer (7 semitones each direction)
Crescendo setter

In, Thru, Out