9th – 12th Grade Youth Group

E.D.G.E. High School Youth Group Calendar
9th-12th Grade join together for service projects and discuss topics significant to our youth through the lens of faith. All are welcome.
E.D.G.E stands for âEvery Day God Encountersâ and with that acronym ever before us, our high schoolers strive to find new ways to practice and feel the presence of God in our personal lives, serve the community as Godâs hands and feet, and learn how to be receptive to Godâs nudges throughout our days that point us in the direction of Godâs unique purpose for each youth. Additionally, we believe that seeking God first in all things gives us an âedgeâ in the world that helps us to truly thrive from the inside out; that this active relationship with God will allow us to step into our full potential. We believe leaning into these âEvery Day God Encountersâ will serve to distinguish youth as servant leaders within the community, demonstrating a new way to live in and impact the world around you.
Trunk or Treat!
Join us for a festive afternoon of fun! Bring kids of all ages in costume and have a safe trick or treat experience along with a few other surprises! All …
Youth Events – October 2023
We have two exciting events for youth this month! All middle and high school youth are invited to join us for both events. Come after school on the 11th and …
Celebrate Senior Sunday With Us.
Join us this Sunday, June 4th to celebrate our graduating High School Seniors during 10am worship. We will hear a special sermon, prayers of the people and enjoy a festive …
Important June Youth Events!
Make sure to save the date and find time for fellowship. Reach out to Samantha for additional information. June 4th, 10am @ St.Matthew’s, Worship Service Celebrating Graduating High School Seniors. …
8th Graders: Join High School Youth Group, Sunday April 30th
As a part of our Joint Youth Ministry tradition, we’re inviting our 8th Graders to join High School Youth Group on Sunday, April 30th to share a meal at Colony …
DC Mission Trip
For more than 25 years, the High School Youth Group has gone to Washington DC during the February school break to work for a variety of agencies that provide services for the homeless and others in need, and to meet individuals who are living on the street.