What’s ahead.

Dear friends and members of St. Matt’s,
Time always seems to fly during this part of the year. Somewhere in October I lose track and before I know it we’re at Thanksgiving. And then it feels like only two or three breaths before Christmas. This is a busy time for a lot of people, and it’s a busy time for our life in the church. In these last two weeks before Advent, we’ll have a little bit of quiet in the sanctuary, I expect, as folks travel for Thanksgiving. And then the new church year will begin on the third of December and we will be very busy from there. Lots for all of us to see, learn and try. Please take a careful look through the e-news to make sure that you are able to be a part of it all!
There is information below in the e-news about our stewardship drive this year. We thank you so much for your prayerful consideration and thoughtful discernment about what God is calling you to give this year. There is also information this week about pageant rehearsals, a field trip the Morgan, a Gospel series on Sunday after church, and a special visit from a lot of animals on 12/17.
Our Christmas schedule is included as well so that you can include us as you begin to plan your holiday. Christmas Eve is a Sunday this year, so we need to have our Advent IV service in the morning at 10am. This will be followed by our two regular services on Christmas Eve at 4pm and 9pm. Both of those services will have a wonderful, festive musical prelude beginning at 3:30pm and 8:30pm. The earlier service will be crafted especially for families, and of course, all are welcome. The later, candlelight service will be a quieter, more traditional service.
As you prepare for all that’s ahead, I hope you’ll include us in all your plans. You won’t want to miss out on the fun! Please be in touch if you have any questions or if you need anything at all.
–Marissa +