Trinity, Seniors, Garden tools, and more.

Dear friends and members of St. Matt’s,
I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to Bishop Jim Curry for spending time with members of our community last night on Zoom. As most of you know, Bishop Curry will be here at St. Matt’s on June 11th. He’ll be Confirming our own Lily Cristini, perhaps receiving a few adults, and then sharing a demonstration with us of the work he does turning guns into garden tools. Last night, Bishop Curry was so generous with his time, talking with us about his gun violence prevention work and about how we can be involved. We were also joined by a number of members of the Social Justice group at St. Paul’s, Norwalk – with whom we’re happy to partner and in this case, to offer hospitality. It was a wonderful evening and a holy chance for us to reflect on this important work. I look forward to seeing you all on June 11th for this special experience.
This coming week, we’ll celebrate our Seniors and then spend time together at our Parish Picnic. We have a surprise or two, of course! So, make sure you join us for worship and for lunch. If you haven’t signed up to bring anything yet, there are just a few things we still need, so take a look at the sign up genius a little ways down in the e-news. We’re also looking for helping hands for a number of other projects as well over the course of the next few weeks.
This coming Sunday is Trinity Sunday, and it’s a special day in the calendar for me. And since I won’t be preaching – because one of our wonderful Seniors will be! – I want to offer you just one thought about the Gospel for the day. You can read the whole passage here, but I want to include just the final sentence: And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age. These are Jesus’ own words, at the end of little chunk of text where Jesus is sending the disciples out to do his work: to serve, to love, to baptize. They’re comforting words in the midst of challenge. The world that the disciples lived in was no less complicated or dangerous than ours. It may have been different – but what they were being asked to do was difficult and weighty. So it is for us, asked in the secular age to share the good news, to preach the Gospel not only in word but in deed, to live a life of love in a world that doesn’t know what that means. Remember today – and for the rest of the week – that Jesus is with you always. Find comfort in that this week. Until the end of the age, no matter what happens, no matter what you do, no matter where you go, he is with you. And there is nothing you can’t do, can’t face, can’t survive if you do it trusting in him. God loves you. And so do I.
–Marissa +