The end of May!
Dear friends and members of St. Matt’s,
As we near the end of May and the end of the program year, there is always, for me, this sense of hope and new beginnings. I know that might seem strange as we’re preparing for the end of the year. And yet we all know from the other areas of our life that this is the rhythm – the end of the school year brings rest and renewal, and then a new year. The end of the sports year brings a chance to do something else, and then it returns again. Life is often cyclical like that. And for us as Christians, that makes lots of sense.
Tomorrow, May 31st, is the Feast of the Visitation. If that’s not a feast you’ve ever heard of before, you’re not alone! It’s a fancy way of naming the moment when Mary, pregnant with Jesus, goes to visit her cousin, who is pregnant with John the Baptist. We call this the Visitation of Mary. Certainly for both Mary and Elizabeth, life as they knew it would never be the same. Both their sons would literally change the world, the course of history, everything that knew – beginning with things every parent knows – like sleep patterns and daily routines – to…well…everything, including defeating death. That’s a big arc.
What I’m getting at is that as Christians, as resurrection people, we know that in each ending there is a new beginning. It’s why we’re particularly good at rituals – we want to give thanks for what was, to hold on to the things that shape us, to be connected to what matters – and also always look forward, moving into the future with grace and hope.
So, even as we prepare for the “end of the year”, when things slow some for the summer and our rhythm changes, we know that all we’re really doing is preparing for the newness that God will create in us and for us before September. So, come and enjoy the end of this year with us. Come and help at Pride on Saturday. Come and worship with us on Sunday. Come next week on the 9th as we celebrate graduating seniors & have a festive Parish Picnic/Sundae Sunday. There’s a lot more in store for the next few weeks and I look forward to sharing it with you.
Go and read the words Mary says to Elizabeth as they marvel and the wonders God is doing. Then come and marvel with us. God is doing wonderful new things.
–Marissa +