Streaming this Fall

If you’re planning to join us for worship online this fall, please read on!
For the last few years, we’ve been relying on Facebook to stream our services, and then we’ve been pulling that stream from Facebook onto our website. However, as more and more folks have started to do this since the pandemic, Facebook and other free streaming services like it have had to be more and more careful about music and licensing. What often happens is that, Facebook’s algorithm either flags or silences our music. And even though we are fully licensed and following all appropriate copyright laws, we can’t really effectively explain that to the algorithm. Meaning, that there’s no person we can talk to stop that from happening. We’ve done our best to appeal through the system, but we still end up with long silences during the musical portions of our services. That can be confusing and frustrating for folks listening at home or on the road who don’t know why it’s happening.
We’ve spent the summer seeking the right solution – and sometimes, the easiest solution is the right one. For the next few months we’re going to try the easiest solution. And as that happens, I’d love to hear your feedback. From now on, we won’t stream to Facebook anymore. So, you won’t be able to find us there on Sunday morning. You will always and only be able to find us live on our website. That link is here:
This change will allow us to stream confidently and know that folks joining us virtually aren’t missing out on any of the experience of what’s going on in the sanctuary. However, what we’re going to miss is the ability for folks at home to chat and connect. So in this interim trial period, I’m going to begin a conversation every Sunday morning in our Parishioner Facebook Group. That’s where you’ll go to connect if you’d like to talk with others as the service progresses. If you haven’t joined that group yet, go ahead and click here and ask to join.
So, that was a a lot of words. Briefly: Beginning Sunday 9/10 we will no longer be on Facebook. We will only stream to our website. Join the Parishioner Facebook group to be part of a conversation Sunday morning at the same time! We don’t want to miss that connection with you.
As always, please be in touch if you have any questions or concerns. –M+