Planning & Traveling
Dear friends and members of St. Matt’s,
In the next few weeks, the staff and I will begin (and mostly complete) our planning for next year. Many of you know already that I like to have the whole arc of the year laid out by the end of July. Of course, we make adjustments and adapt as necessary as the year unfolds. But in parish life, it helps to have a sense of the big pieces, the gatherings, the series, so that we can look at the life of the place in it’s fullness and see where we’re growing, what’s missing, and what challenges lie ahead. So we will all be working on our calendars, making plans for children, youth, music, formation, and fun together
As always, we would love to hear from you as we engage in this work. What have we done in the past that you loved? What new ideas do you have? What new gifts and interests are you and your family discovering? What questions do you have? How can we help you on your spiritual journey? How can we continue to be a place of welcome and hospitality to our community? Where is God calling you? And how can we go together? If you have thoughts, ideas, or questions – now is a great time to be in touch with me or any other member of the staff. We would love to hear from you.
Now is also a great time to start your travels with Flat Matt for the summer! You’ll see he’s already done a nice tour of Europe! We’d love to see where you’ll take him next. There are “hard” copies of Matt, so to speak, in the narthex on the welcome table. You can grab one there and attach him to any bag of yours so he’s always with you. Or – feel free to snag a picture of this Matt or the Matt below in our e-news. Send pictures to [email protected]. We can’t wait to see where you and Matt will go!
Now that summer in in full swing, I know that many of you are traveling here and there. I wish you and your families Godspeed. And when you’re home, I hope to see you on Sunday. Make your spiritual home a part of your health and refreshment this summer. God loves you. And so do I.
–Marissa +