New beginnings
Dear friends and members of St. Matt’s,
Thank you for that warm and festive welcome on Sunday. It was wonderful to see you – I missed you! And I’m glad to be with you again as we continue on the road that Christ sets before us.
I shared some of my thoughts with you all on Sunday, but want just to invite anyone who may not have been with us as well: let’s begin again. We are in a new time, a new place. Everything around us and within us has changed. In little and big ways over these last five years. We need to name that. And claim this new road, this new path that stretches out before us. We don’t know where it will lead – but I know that if we go together, and if we keep sharing God’s love, that it will be wonderful and transformative. And I’m so looking forward to it. So, let’s begin again together. Let’s not assume that we know each other so well, let’s be curious and ask questions. Let’s wonder at what God is up to in and around us. Let’s leave each other room to be creative, to be different, to be flexible. Let’s honor the history of this place and our shared history by being brave enough, loving enough, to write a new chapter. What a gift it is for us all to be a part of this community, a place where all people are welcome.
I want to say a brief word of thanks – again, to echo my words on Sunday. I’m so grateful to our Officers and Vestry for their work while I was on leave. I’m grateful to my wonderful staff, for the good work they do and the dedication they bring to St. Matt’s each and every day. And I’m deeply grateful to Linda. Twice now, I’ve been able to leave this community that I love in her faithful hands. That is no small thing. And I’m so grateful for Linda for her good work and her wonderful care for you. I’m grateful to all of you for the ways you are a part of our life together and I give thanks for the ways you serve God and our neighbors in this community. Thank you.
One thing that is new again for us – is that this past week we also shared wine at communion. This will be our practice going forward. You should feel free to participate in whatever way makes you comfortable. You have three options: 1) just receive the bread not the wine 2) receive the bread and then drink from the silver chalice or 3) receive the bread and then intinct (dip the wafer) into the clay chalice. We may yet tinker with this system, but for now this is what we’re trying on. Remember that we believe that Jesus is fully present in both the bread and wine – so if you only have the bread, you have still fully participated in communion.
I look forward to seeing you on Sunday. Until then, I pray God’s blessing on you. God loves you. And so do I.
–Marissa +