Get ready!
Dear members and friends of St. Matt’s,
Welcome to the fall! It sure doesn’t feel like it, does it? The heat is brutal – I hope you’re finding ways to stay cool and calm even as things ramp up for families and kids in these first few weeks of school. We have a busy year ahead of us at St. Matt’s, and I can’t wait to share it all with you. We’re going to do our best to roll it out a few things at a time, week by week. So please keep an eye on our e-news. And you can always check our website or social media for up to date information about opportunities and events that are coming up. If you’re not familiar, you can easily find us on Facebook or Instagram. We also have a Facebook group for friends and members, you can find that by clicking here. There is a lot coming your way this year – so many exciting things. So please stay tuned, and reach out if you have any questions – I’m always here for you.
A few quick things to highlight in this space as we get going:
- Please bring your seniors (in high school!), backpacks, bags, and briefcases on Sunday (9/10) for a special blessing!
- Please note the instructions below about streaming. When you’re joining us from home or on the road, we have a new way of connecting. We’ll continue to refine this, so let me know what you think!
- Next week is our big kick-off celebration! We’ll celebrate St. Matthew’s Day in our worship and then share in some festivities with WPC at a huge festive kickoff after worship. Food truck Seaside Sliders will be here with (you guessed it!) sliders, salad, tots, and ice cream! And we’ll have a bouncy house for the kids. And lots of fun for everyone. You won’t want to miss it.
- Please also take note of the information below about Church School, Youth & Confirmation.
It’s a new year at St. Matt’s. All the things you love are still true! We are here with open hearts and open hands to journey with you, support you, and share in God’s love together. And as always, we begin again. We’ll ask for God’s blessing on the year ahead – the new adventure ahead. Looking forward to sharing it with you!
–Marissa +