Change & Renewal

Dear friends and members of St. Matt’s,
I’m tempted to write a note for this day beginning with the lyrics “Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes….” Of course, if you ever listened to David Bowie, you know what I mean! Change is an important part of the spiritual life, nothing that is alive, nothing that is growing can avoid change. And as Christians, we find opportunities for renewal in the midst of change. There are so many things changing for us right now it seems. And change can be very hard. It’s important for us to give thanks for all that’s been, and in some cases, to grieve the changes we are facing. And even as we do that, our faith beckons us forward and reminds us that we are resurrection people. That we believe in hope – and renewal of life – that we believe in miracles – and that we are capable of more than we know. I especially believe that last part.
I hope you’ll come on Sunday and listen and respond as the Officers and I share some of the plans the Vestry and I are making for the future. As always, we acknowledge the change happening around us – both inside and outside our walls. And yet, no matter what changes, there are core pieces of who we are that don’t change. This is a special place and we are on a journey with God and with each other. So come early on Sunday and join us. Bring your questions and your ideas. And let’s engage and discern together as we seek God’s will and abundant life for ourselves and for our neighbors.
As we begin our seventh year together, I give thanks for so many things about this place that I love. I am grateful for all of you and for all that you bring to our life together. For all the ways you are generous and present and fun. I give thanks for the legacy that continues to make this place a welcoming, safe place for all of our kids. I’m grateful for our commitment to music and to the ways in which music lifts the soul, helps us to access the divine, and changes things for the better. I’m grateful for the love that we share together, for the ways in which we serve this community together, and for the hope of a new day, a new season, a new start. I am excited about what lies ahead.
We still have more pages to fill, more stories to write, more fun to have, more to explore, more to do. And thanks be to God for God’s presence in the midst of all that – and for your presence, too. This summer we’ll make some new plans, dig deep, dream big, and, in some ways, begin again. If you have ideas, thoughts, or just some wonderings – send me a note. Let’s talk about it. I’d love to hear what you’re thinking, praying and wondering about. Change and renewal. It’s what life is all about. And it is what leads us to the joy God intends for us. I can’t wait to see what’s next. And I look forward to sharing that joy with all of you.
–Marissa +