
Dear friends and members of St. Matt’s,

I hope this edition of our e-news finds you well and soaking up these beautiful and cooler days! As we make our way into the last stretch of summer, there are a few important things to which I want to draw your attention.

First, as you know, we said goodbye to Sam this past Sunday. It was a wonderful day and I’m grateful to all of you who made a special effort to be there despite your summer plans. We have gifted Sam with a few special things to remember us by. We made a donation to an organization that plants trees here in Connecticut – as Sam loves nature and loves trees. We also gave her a special kit to grow her own red maple and one of the pictures of the seasons of our St. Matt’s tree that accompanies us for worship throughout the year. In the middle of August, she’ll receive a special handmade icon of St. Matthew, like the one we have in our sanctuary, to help her remember us. And with that will come your generous gifts in the form of a purse. If you haven’t given yet and still want to, you have until August 10th to do so. Then we’ll mail everything to her. You can give online or mail/bring a check to church. In both cases please make sure to note that it is for “Sam’s gift.” Thank you so much for your generosity. If you missed her departure, you can go back and see our celebration of her at the end of worship this past Sunday (all available on Facebook). Staff & Wardens and I spoke about how much we’ll miss her and what a gift her ministry among us has been. And Sam offered some last words as well that you can watch in the video clip below. We will continue to hold Sam in our prayers and in our hearts and we hope to see her again soon in the pews. Thank you for all the ways you love and support her – I am always moved by the big, giving heart of this community.

This coming Sunday, you have an opportunity to go to New Haven with Pam Ely and others for the Interfaith Service Day. If you haven’t signed up yet and are interested in going, please just send me a note. It will be a great day with a great group of people. And it’s the only reason you are excused from church!

For those of us who are staying in Wilton on Sunday morning, we’ll be worshipping in our sanctuary along with our neighbors and partners from across the courtyard. WPC will join us for the first Sunday of our joint worship this month and the Rev. Jessica Jones will preach. Please come and join us. All are welcome. And help us to make welcome our siblings in Christ from across the way.

Finally, we are looking for someone to come and work with us, to join our team, and be part of our work in the area of children, youth, and family ministry. We have reframed this job quite a bit – so do feel free to take a look at it. I’d be glad to answer any questions that you have. And I’d love for you to think of who you know, who isn’t yet a part of our life at St. Matt’s, who might be a good fit for this position. You can read the posting here.

I know! Lots of information today, and all important. Please take a careful look through the rest of the e-news so you don’t miss out on the fun. I hope to see you on Sunday!


–Marissa +