A Message from Marissa and the Officers
Dear friends and members of St. Matt’s,
I write today with a mix of emotions to share with you the news that the Bishop of Massachusetts, the Rt. Rev. Julia Whitworth has called me to serve on her staff as a Regional Canon. I have accepted this call and will begin my time with the Diocese of Massachusetts in March of this year.
I believe that this is the work God is calling me to in the next season of my life and ministry. It has become increasingly clear that this is my intended next step. And it is also true that there has been no moment in my journey with God when, in saying yes to a call, I’ve not also experienced loss. And while I believe that God is calling me forward into this new ministry, I am keenly feeling the loss of leaving all of you.
It has been a blessing in my life and a wonderful privilege to serve as your Priest, Pastor, and Partner in Ministry. In these last nearly seven years, we have traveled a faithful road together. We have drawn more near to Christ and to each other. I give thanks for each and every one of you. I’m grateful for the ways you have loved me and my family. I’m grateful for all that we’ve shared and for all that I’ve learned from you. More than anything, know that I have loved you. And no matter where I go, for as long as I live, I will give thanks for the time God called me to spend here with you: for your remarkable open hearts, for your deep and wide welcome, for your inquisitiveness, for your generosity, for all the things that make you the special corner of God’s vineyard that you are. This is a rare and special community. It is a model for what the church can be in love and in commitment. And I will miss you all more than I can say.
My last Sunday with you will be February 2, 2025. I have already been working with your lay leaders on next steps and I am helping them to plan for the season ahead. We are also working with the Bishops and leadership of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut, in order to ensure a smooth transition. I will do everything I can to help prepare you and will work up until the last day. I give thanks for the leadership of your wonderful Officers and for the gifts and ministry of this incredible parish staff who will remain with you. Please support them in this next season – they will need your help! We are truly blessed by the work and ministry of each of these people. I believe that you are held and loved by all these people and by God, and so I trust that you are in good hands.
We will have time, over the course of the next few weeks, to say our goodbyes. I will be available for appointments if you’d like to set up time to talk one on one. Please do send me a note if you’d like to set up some time. We don’t need to begin to say our goodbyes right away as we still have some weeks ahead of us. And I am here and prepared to hear and receive all that you’d like to share with me in the weeks ahead. I hope very much to see you on Sunday.
Until then, know that I love you. And God loves you. And that scripture promises us that love is a gift that never ends. Thank you for sharing your love and your light with me.
–The Rev. Marissa S. Rohrbach +
A Message from the Officers
Dear Members of St. Matthew’s,
By now you will have received Marissa’s email announcing her new call to serve as the Regional Canon for the Diocese of Massachusetts. It is with very mixed emotions that we also write to you about her pending departure. For seven years, Marissa has served St. Matthew’s with hard work, dedication, and faithfulness as our Rector. Her Ministry has helped us become a more faithful community; her sermons have inspired us to become more thoughtful Christians, and her presence has helped us grow in our faith and love for one another.
During the pandemic, we were one of the first churches online. Her sermons kept us engaged while we were closed, with Marissa faithfully delivering our worship service to an empty Sanctuary while we watched over Zoom from the safety of home. Marissa’s ability to pivot kept us in touch while we were unable to gather in person.
Marissa has taught us many ways to be with God, and we will stay committed to each other and our faith as we look to a future without her. Through her hard work and dedication, she brought us Nancy, Tommy, and Irina, who through their bountiful gifts, are vital to the future we are just starting to discern for St. Matthew’s.
Marissa’s last day with us will be Sunday, February 2nd, when we will have a celebration of her ministry with us. Please join us that Sunday as we express our gratitude to Marissa for her ministry and recognize the many gifts she has brought us. During this time of transition, let us commit to supporting each other, and holding each other in prayer as we move into the future God has planned for us. In the coming weeks, we will provide details regarding plans for the transition. Until then let us find ways to express our deep gratitude to Marissa for her ministry.
Pam, Anne, and Rob